
Current Projects

Human-Centric Networking

I am interested in expanding network access around the world and experimenting with network support with and through new technologies. My recent NSERC Discovery Grant titled Human-Centric Network for Immersive Extended Reality supports our steps forward along the long-term goals of this project.

Empowerment Through Tech Education

I am very interested in the general question of fair access. I am interested in exploring fair access by researching hurdles of technology use in a world driven by it. As one of the basic elements of fair access, access to learning and the development of new technologies is important in building sustainable societies.

My teaching and learning inquiry projects such as Specification and Scaffolding in Project-Based Learning, Open Textbook ISTLD TLDG Project and Open Educational Resources Evaluation, as well as Open Video Lectures for Data Communication and Networking and Database Systems, are the initial steps towards the research and implementation goals of this long-term project.

I explore AR/VR, Blockchain, and network and systems solutions with a focus on the availability of technology and educational resources for users from diverse backgrounds and environments.

Past Projects

Network Data Analytics & Diagnostics

Network analytics PoC, used for data collection and analysis from live networks was one of the interesting projects I worked on. The amount of detailed data available in the networks is massive. It is very interesting, in the meantime very hard to make sense of the available data, detect causes of failures, and predict failures in advance.

Resource Utilization in Wireless Networks

Increased capabilities of handheld and mobile devices using online services is increasing mobile data usage. The rate of this increase is incomparably higher than that accommodated by network capacity upgrades. Therefore, despite the higher availability of networks and faster upgrades, effective utilization of available resources is essential to keep up with the increasing mobile data demands. I have worked on a number of projects in wireless access and mobile networks to enhance the usage of available capacity.

WiFier Network

I designed a network for monetization of excess WiFi capacity and proved feasibility with 1.7% of resources in target areas, developed a simple MVP, and led user behavior analysis, and go-to-market strategy. I failed to build WiFier as a company and left it very early-stage despite investment interests, first place in SEY JumpStart, and finalist in SFU SEY startup competitions for a personal reason.

Novel Design

I started Novel Design by web and graphic design for friends and family as a hobby in 2004. It grew to leading outsourced design and delivery of marketing and online presence projects for 20+ clients from different sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and health care. I left Novel Design to move to Canada to start my PhD.